I have taken the opportunity on several occasions to point out to folks that telegraphing the word "hate" is a bad idea. It just makes people hateful and puts their minds on hate instead of love. I find it hard to believe that those who came up with this "hate" approach to activism were naive. There are books like *Influence* by Robert Cialdini that speak to this topic, and I think it's pretty 101 social psych. There are signs in Church windows and on lawns in my neck of the woods that read "Hate has no home here." What ever happened to "Love thy neighbour," I wonder?

There's a song called "Passing Through" by Dick Blakeslee but covered by Leonard Cohen that starts:

I saw Jesus on the cross on a hill called cavalry,

"Do you hate mankind for what they done to you?"

He said, "Talk of love not hate, things to do, it's getting late,

I've so little time, and I'm only passing through."

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Great point.

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Fabulous as ever. A common aphorism when I was a child was, "it wouldn't do if all the birds said 'cuckoo'" which is a nugget of wisdom, as many such expressions are. In the 60's and 70's we were brought up on the idea that a broad range of opinion and ideas in society was admirable. We embraced the eccentrics and the avant-garde. How would cultural phenomena like Monty Python or punks have arisen in those eras otherwise? Organisations like 'Hope not Hate' are so depressingly limiting - the product of low IQ.

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Sadly, I think they probably have relatively high IQ but are deploying it very unproductively. That's the tragedy of it.

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Maybe rooted in childhood trauma then!

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suffering from left hemisphere capture!

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Great piece, although please recall that this is only one particular camp inside liberalism. As a liberal myself, I've been arguing against this for some time. Here's a quote from the section of my book Chaos Ethics, published in 2014, entitled "Intolerant Tolerance":

"We all come to the world from a specific set of circumstances, and the liberal extolling of difference does not transcend this, it is just another one of these backgrounds. When we denigrate the fervent nationalist for their love of a mythic nation on the grounds that this turns them against people from other nations we effectively perpetuate the very same mistake - we wield our own ideal as a weapon and use it to prevent other people from having theirs. If we seek the moral high ground by observing that our ideal is more inclusive, this escalation falls prey of the same problem: why must they accept our ideal of inclusiveness when we cannot accept their ideal of national identity?

Beyond the serpent eating its own tail inherent to this hatred of haters, intolerant tolerance represents a far bigger threat to our hopes of living together because it eliminates any possibility of treating others as genuine equals."

I am also disappointed but not surprised to learn that Foucault beat me to the punch in the inversion of von Clausewitz, which I thought original to this book.

Stay wonderful!


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Please do a piece on Led By Donkeys next. I really HATE their brand of smug centrist Twitter dadness.

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Cracking piece, David.

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enviably well-rounded.

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Another cracking polemic!

I’ve downloaded and saved the ‘Hope not Hate’ 2024 Report as a classic example of the confusion displayed by those who show a demonstrable inability to appreciate the stupidity of utilising that tired old trope of fascism against anyone who fails to agree with their view of societal governance.

I read somewhere that Mussolini defined fascism as the merging of state and corporate interests and it is surely without question that such a definition applies to the systems of governance that were employed by both Hitler and Mussolini.

If more and more of the globe is falling under such a system of governance, it is because more and more national governments have fallen under the spell of the New World Order (NWO), under the auspices of the ever increasing merger of the likes of the United Nations with the World Economic Forum and the transnational elites who gather at Davos.

Hovering above that, unelected and answerable to no one but themselves, grouping of megalomaniacs, are the puppet masters, in the form of the central bankers of the world. It is they who control the supply of money to the global economy and thus provide the direction of global governance. Money now being a supply of a medium of exchange which long ago ceased to represent any form of value, due to the almost total lack of any form of underlying collateral, other than the labour of generations yet to be born. Indeed, generations so far into the future that they are the equivalent of the twinkle in the eye of our children’s children’s children’s children!!

I note from David’s reply to an earlier comment that he thinks that the likes of Nick Lowles and his band of scribblers probably have a pretty high IQ, but that they are employing it unproductively. I think that he is endeavouring to show a measure of undeserved hope, in the manner in which the word should be employed!!

Personally, I think that Nick & Co. are little more than useful idiots, who are being cultivated by the NWO as a means of providing a pretence that a form of opposing views can be expressed, but only if they represent opposition to conservatism (with a decidedly small c).

Anyway, all power to David’s elbow and his excellent exposés of the present downward descent of the nation into which I was born. A descent which was already in place, but which began increasing in pace following the election of Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in 1997. By the time that 2016 rolled around, it was depressingly apparent that the nation was bereft of individuals capable of doing anything other than awaiting instructions from the NWO and their puppeteers.

Is it too late to prevent cascading over the cliff? Only if we reject the hopes of the NWO and their useful idiots and rediscover the benefits of acting like responsible individuals, with a penchant for proper conservative existence, founded on doing what has been shown to work in everybody’s best interests.

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The Politics of Deviance. It is quite clear that the latest word to be captured by the wokists - following eg gay, rainbow - is 'hope'. It is deeply Freudian that they would link/counterpose it to 'hate'. It is also paradoxical: "We hate your prejudice and hope to expunge you from a polity where acceptance is all"

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I think it is sheer genius the way the Rulers of Our Universe

hide in plain sight all of their plans to totally control us, knowing

we'll believe they're trying to hide something from us...

I think it is sheer genius the way They are using our distrust to

manipulate us...

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