Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by David McGrogan

I just watched a really great video on this subject... go watch 'You are here: Anacyclosis and the Age of Aquarius' by 'Dark Age Theorist'

It is a reveiw of a book called 'How Democracies Perish' by Jean Francois Revel.

Basically details how we go from Aristocracy to Timocracy to Oligarcy to Democracy to Tyranny and then back to Aristocracy (back to one King ruling all again)

But they argue it does not matter if you are ruled by king or by mob (democracy) they can both be good or bad

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Sounds like an interesting book (I looked it up) - that cycle is derived really from Plato. Thanks for the recommendation!

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Firstly, let me express my immense disappointment at the absence of a Scottish accent! 😂 As a quarter-Scot myself, I routinely seek in others what I lack in myself (my Scottish grandfather died before I was born).

And then a suggestion: you could create a new 'section' in Substack for News from Uncibal, and collect the video content there under an appropriate heading. Then anyone who is interested in the videos but not the essays can subscribe to that section, and anyone (like myself) with an allergy to video can opt out of the videos. It's a relatively quick job to set up a section, although it comes with the psychic cost of having to select a section for *every post* from then on. Additionally, sections do not appear 'on the front page' (if I recall correctly) - so if video is your strategy going forward, that might also be a reason against (although perhaps there is an option... I forget how that part of the set up works). Took me about 30 minutes to set up the Stranger Voices section on my Substack, for context, but that included a lot of aesthetic nitpickery, as is my wont.

Bon voyage on your video career! You will tend to reach a wider audience with video content, chaos willing, and the number of people who dislike it such as myself is rather small. (I do however love transcripts of conversations!).

All the best,


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Thanks Chris. I’ve got no intention of doing only videos or even lots of them - more an occasional thing.

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